Relief! And thank God for it! I finally started feeling better last night. Sam and I went to dinner in Napa (my first meal out since we left Kansas City) and as we were ordering dessert, I realized I had gone nearly an hour and a half without pain. Yahoo! I am so full of antibiotics that my skin actually smells like the pills, but I don’t care. I am just so happy to be pain free.
This morning I woke up feeling fine and we have celebrated by spending the entire morning lying in bed watching the Food Network on the flat screen tv at the end of our bed. This is a special treat for Sam. Because I am an ornery and cheap curmudgeon, even when I am feeling well, I have drawn the line at spending $100 a month for cable so we can watch mindless drivel in the free time we don’t have. But on vacation, well that’s a different story! This morning we learned how to cook all kinds of tasty dishes just as soon as we get home. My favorite show of all was “Ham on the Street.” This guy was hilarious and proved that you can make a grilled cheese & jelly sandwich with any kind of bread, cheese and jelly and have it turn our deliciously. I think I’ll try it.
Anyway, I don’t have much time to post but I did want to thank a couple of friends for their supportive and loving comments over the last several days.
First – an email from my best buds Julie & Aaron upon learning that I was in such a bad state.
“Wish we could be there with you. Of course we’d be drinking wine. But we would be holding your hand with our free hand.”
And then a phone conversation Sam had with his friend Jeff Mott who, learning about my state of health, and also knowing about the “deal” Sam and I had made, quipped,
“Oh that is just awful, especially for you Sam. Do you think you’ll be able to get a rain check?”
Really, with friends like these, who needs enemies? Hee! Hee! Seriously, thanks guys, for making me laugh.
Well, I am off to enjoy wine country.
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