Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm Weird - A Meme...

Ok, I was tagged by Jenne' and even though Dan says this is such a junior high girl thing - I once was a junior high girl and have never forgotten the feeling. (Do you want to be my friend? cirle one: yes no) See what I mean?

Anyway, here are the rules:

List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

  • I am addicted to lip balm. I own close to a hundred different lip balms (my favorite is Burt’s Bees) which I keep strategically placed through out my house and office and tucked into the pockets of all my clothes and purses. I can’t go more than about 10 minutes with out a fresh coat and I wake up during the night to re-apply.
  • I become obsessed with certain foods and will eat them over and over again, sometimes several times a day for months. My more notable food obsessions have included tomato soup, cheerios, cream of wheat, cream of rice, blueberries & granola, tater tots, Dairy Queen Dilly Bars, red beans & rice, edamame, banana Laffy Taffy, banana Power Bars, strawberry smoothies, mango smoothies, Granny Smith apples and granola bars. I am currently really into wild rice cakes topped with sunflower butter.
  • Overhead lights in parking garages and street lights in parking lots seem to turn on or off frequently when I pass beneath them. It’s almost like I put off some sort of energy field that trips the electronic eye for these sort of light sensitive lamps.
  • I don’t watch TV and haven’t had cable since I was 18 years old and still living at home.
  • I am afraid of wind. A strong, whistling wind sends my anxiety level sky high.
Ok - I am tagging Rita, PlazaJen, Scotti, Vicki & Katherine.

1 comment:

dhduff said...

Gotta respect the no cable thing. I suppose some might think that's weird, but I think it's just good advice. We gave that up years ago too!