Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Knot on my Noggin

Today was a hard day. It started hard and it’s ending hard – and there were lots of hard parts in between. I spent my day juggling relationships with difficult people, trying not to react to ridiculous over the top e-mail, searching for the right words to soothe the frayed nerves of one coworker, and attempting to tame the ego of another. By the time I made it home I was exhausted, and more than a little cranky.

Sam, Katherine and I sat in the den and shared stories of our day. My stories, as it turned out, were really pretty funny. Thank God my travails could be served up for a good laugh

And then I got carried away. In an effort to ramp up dramatic effect and thereby improve the funny quotient of my story, I began banging my forehead against our wooden drafting table to demonstrate my frustration. It smarted a bit at the time, but not nearly as bad as it smarts now. I now have a self inflicted lump on my forehead and a pounding headache to go with it.

What in the world could I have been thinking? Or was I?

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