Today is the day Sam and I celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. Although I know I had a life before I met Sam, it is becoming harder and harder to remember what it was like. It seems I’ve always lived this way.
I am ridiculously happy with this man. I feel guilty sometimes for being so happy with Sam. Does one person deserve this bounty of happiness, this depth of connection, this certainty of love? I don’t know. But I’ll drink from the fire hose for as long as it's flowing.
Sam and I have yet to run out of things to talk about. He continues to charm and disarm me with his silly songs and rhymes. I still feel giddy when I see his name flash on my cell phone, or catch sight of his car ahead of me on the traffic way on the way home from work at the end of the day.
There is no one on the face of this earth with whom I would rather spend time, wake up to or fall asleep with. Sam is wisest person I know, and on top of that, he has the kindest, gentlest spirit I know. It’s a captivating combination.
I am crazy in love with this guy. Who wouldn’t be? I consider myself pretty darn lucky to have been in the right place at the right time that fateful day in October 1998 when we first spent time together.
So here’s to you sweetie! Thank you for this wonderful life we are making together.
Happy Anniversary!
I love you.
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